Archive for 'Research' Category

Malinau, Indonesia

By sintia_windhi - Last updated: Monday, March 28, 2016

It was a very warm day in Malinau, Borneo Island, until the orange tent should be covered by leaves to decrease the temperature inside the tent (where the MT data logger was placed).

Opuwo, Namibia

By sintia_windhi - Last updated: Thursday, March 24, 2016

Opuwo is located some hundred kilometers to the north from Windhoek, i.e. the capital city of Namibia. In this MT (Magnetotelluric) field campaign, structures correlated to Pangea (the old cratoon) was the target. Beside very hard rocks to dig, 42 Celsius degree temperature was a challange. However, the scenes, the landscapes are awesome.

Sipoholon, Indonesia

By sintia_windhi - Last updated: Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sipoholon is located in the North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Magnetotelluric (MT) method was used in this filed campaign to find conductive structures, which correspond to geothermal fluids. In the picture, from left to right, are Dr. Nukman (geologist), Toni (geophysicist), Faizal (geophysicist). They were trying to find a good location (i.e. wide and flat area) […]